HI! I am Aditya Srivastava


Who Am I ?

About Me

I am Aditya Srivastava, a dynamic and highly adaptable individual with a passion for technology. My skills in programming languages like Python, along with my expertise in tools like NumPy and SQL, enable me to tackle complex challenges with ease. With a detail-oriented and analytical mindset, I excel in problem-solving and thrive in team environments. My strong interpersonal skills, effective communication, and ability to lead make me a valuable collaborator. I am driven by a desire to constantly learn and innovate, making me an asset to any organization seeking a versatile and motivated professional.

What i Did?

My Projects


Technologies Used

Arduino Sensors Motors Motor-Drivers Internet-of-Things

The Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intriguing Arduino project that combines sensors and motors to develop a sophisticated system capable of detecting obstacles and adjusting its path to avoid collisions. By integrating components such as Arduino Uno, Motor Driver Shield, Gear motor, Servo Motor, and Ultrasonic Sensor, this project enables the robot to navigate its surroundings autonomously, making it an ideal solution for applications that require obstacle avoidance capabilities. Through the precise coordination of these technologies, the robot can identify obstacles in its path, calculate the optimal route, and execute the necessary movements to avoid any potential collisions.

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Technologies Used

Python Flask Machine Learning Front-End

CasaTrova is an innovative project that combines AI/ML concepts with basic web development knowledge to predict house prices based on various aspects such as property location, total area, number of rooms, number of bathrooms, and more. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and analyzing historical data, CasaTrova provides accurate and reliable price estimates. The project showcases the seamless integration of AI/ML technology within a user-friendly web application, enabling users to input property details and receive instant predictions. CasaTrova empowers individuals in the real estate market by providing valuable insights and aiding decision-making processes related to property transactions.

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Learn More

Technologies Used

Python DJnago HTML CSS JavaScript Bootstrap

Learn More is a Learning Management System (LMS) which is a web-based technology designed to facilitate and manage the learning process. It provides a comprehensive platform where students and faculty can interact, collaborate, and access educational resources. The LMS allows for the planning and implementation of various learning activities, including course materials, assessments, discussions, and assignments. It serves as a centralized hub for students to access course content, submit assignments, and engage in online discussions, while also enabling faculty to deliver lectures, monitor student progress, and provide timely feedback. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, the LMS enhances the learning experience, promoting effective communication and fostering a dynamic online learning environment.

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Personal Portfolio Website

Technologies Used

HTML CSS JavaScript Bootstrap

My personal portfolio website, created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, showcases my skills, projects, and achievements. It features a modern and clean design with a navigation menu for easy exploration. The homepage includes an about section, an introduction, skills section, and project showcase. It also highlights my work history, education, and also have a button to easily download my resume. A contact section with a form and social media links enables easy communication. The website aims to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly experience, presenting my expertise and accomplishments to potential employers.

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What I am good at?

Tools and Technologies

High-level, versatile programming language known for readability and extensive libraries.


A language used for managing and querying relational databases.


Markup language for creating web pages with structure and content.


CSS is a styling language used to design and layout web pages.


A versatile scripting language for web development and interactive functionality


Popular front-end framework for responsive and visually appealing web development.


NumPy is a powerful Python library for numerical computing and data manipulation.


Pandas is a popular Python library for data manipulation and analysis.

Industry Knowledge

Structured approach for software development and management throughout its lifecycle.


Principles and practices emphasizing objects and interactions for software development efficiency.

Coding Standards

Guidelines for clean, readable, maintainable code promoting consistency and efficiency.

Query Writing

Creating instructions for retrieving, manipulating, or modifying database data using query language.

Interpersnal Skills
Team Leadership

Fostering collaboration, communication, and achieving goals.

Analytical Skills

Gathering, interpreting, and evaluating data to make informed decisions.

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Time Management

Efficient allocation and prioritization of tasks to maximize productivity and meet deadlines.

Problem Solving

Identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems through logical thinking and creative solutions.

Detail Oriented

Attentiveness to accuracy and precision in tasks, focusing on small details for thoroughness.

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Written Communication

Clear, concise written communication with effective structure.

Verbal Communication

Clear, effective vocal communication with confident expression.


Effective negotiation through communication and mutually beneficial agreements.

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